James lives in Texas, he is a father, husband. He works in the corporate world but is not where his passion is.


James has converted his tandem side of his garage to his gym space. He trains for Spartan races and other OCR challenges.


James has been able to increase his barbell lifts while dramatically improving his conditioning in MURPH.

“I want to go and compete and be athletes. That does not exist in bodybuilding, its all about the aesthetics.”
— James Slade

“Just be cool with stuff not being perfect.”

James started working out in his garage like a lot of other athletes, because a his first baby was on the way and needed to save time any way he could. “Its been phenomenal that I can walk out in the morning at 6am, get in a workout really quickly, and be back in and be a dad.”

Coming from a bodybuilding style of fitness at a typical Globo Gym, he out grew that fitness style and needed something more functional.

It was a growing process and a learning curve at first when he started building his gym. Either the equipment wasn’t what he needed or the flooring wasn’t right. Thats when he found Garage Gym Athlete, while searching for how to build and start his garage gym.

James joined us for the first Garage Gym Athlete MURPH meet up in taxes and PR’d his time by about 9 minutes.

Some his biggest struggles have been dealing with the crazy Texas head and random windy or hail fluctuations. Working out at home also bring the family around a lot more which can be both a good and bad thing. “If you’re a dad you are a dad when they need you.”

Workouts may not always be completed due to family, time or at the ideal time but you will still be able to get the work done.

Nothing is every going to be perfect. Part of being a garage gym athlete is getting creative and having the can’t do it mentality. either you are paying for new equipment, searching for used deals on the internet or building out your space yourself.





Need help with your fitness?

Once James started a set routine and stuck with the programming he was able to get stronger AND faster.

And if you’re in the same boat — if you want massive fitness results, but have no idea how to get started, then my team has created a powerful resource for you. The resources inside of Garage Gym Athlete will help you find your why AND give you the training that will help you see results. 

You can start with a 100% FREE Trial for 7 Days to see if it's a good fit. Click below to get started.