Cory is married and a father of 4 and as a Veteran with a desk job, he knew he was not active enough in his daily life, so he started a basement gym to stay active and become a better human.


After having stopped training from a few injuries in his past, a doctor actually challenge him to get back in the gym!! He started using Garage Gym Athlete to daily workouts to start running, lifting, and getting back to being an athlete.


Cory hadn't really lifted heavy since his knee injury on back squat from years past. He would usually do a few sets at 135, but would always end up sore and not go heavier. Since training with GGA, he has worked his way up to 365 and is pushing for 400 before the end of the year.

“I think one of the biggest things I have got out of your programming is how you push my comfort zone. When I was choosing my workouts, I never really did anything I didn’t like or was uncomfortable with. “
— Cory Sands

“When my fitness was finally put to the test...I FAILED...”

Cory had suffered many different injuries throughout his life as a former athlete and veteran. It wasn’t until his doctor actually challenged him to get back after it that he did.

He was working out and thought he had a pretty good training routine he was knocking out in the gym.

It wasn’t until a summer vacation with his family that his fitness was NOT where it needed to be.

While camping with his family, they decided to go on what was supposed to be a short hike of 1.5 miles. Well, that 1.5 mile hike turned into several hours. He and his family had no real gear, were unprepared, and then his wife had a severe asthma attack.

And they did not have the inhaler.

It was now up to Cory to run (sprint) back to their car and get her inhaler as fast as he could. It was going to be about a 30 minute run...

He was only five minutes into this run when he has to stop because his lungs were burning, his feet hurt, and he desperately needed to catch his breath.

Luckily, he made it and his wife recovered. But he realized he was not prepared and had thing been any worse he would have failed his family. He was even nauseous the rest of that entire day from putting out such a high intensity level.  

That’s when he decided...NEVER AGAIN!

He started training with Garage Gym Athlete. He realized what is takes to be on a real training program, to actually push yourself, and what it means to be “BEYOND PREPARED”

Now, Cory is confident he could hold any pace required for an hour, no problem.

Which begs the question...

Would you fitness pass the test?

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Need help with your fitness?

Finding the massive hole in his fitness was the first step to Cory seeing results. Once Cory knew what he needed to work on, not only did his performance increase but he lost weight and became more comfortable with his body and its abilities. 

And if you’re in the same boat — if you want massive fitness results, but have no idea how to get started, then my team has created a powerful resource for you. The resources inside of Garage Gym Athlete will help you find your why AND give you the training that will help you see results. 

You can start with a 100% FREE Trial for 7 Days to see if it's a good fit. Click below to get started.