Wednesday 201506017

Strength Endurance

3 rounds of...

Max reps in 60 seconds of... 

Back Squat @ 35% 1RM 
Rest 90 seconds


3 rounds of...

Max reps in 60 seconds of... 

Strict Press @ 35% 1RM 
Rest 90 seconds


3 rounds of...

Max reps in 60 seconds of... 

Deadlift @ 35% 1RM 
Rest 90 seconds

Tuesday 20150616


Today is pretty simple.

Pick three endurance, highly aerobic exercises:

  • Jump Rope
  • Running
  • Rowing
  • Swimming
  • Airdyne
  • Jumping jacks 
  • Mountain Climbers 
  • Burpees 
  • What else...?

Pick your three and complete 15 minutes of each. As soon as you finish one exercise complete 50 push-ups before the transition to the next 15 minute session.

This should not be an easy day, or an easy pace. Pick a pace for each movement that you can keep for 14 minutes...not 15 minutes.

Scare yourself a little bit today, get to know yourself a little bit better today, push yourself today.  

Become harder to kill! 

Monday 20150615

Strength Work: 

Work up to a heavy Back Squat in 15 minutes


Back Squat 5x3 @ 80% of today's heavy back squat 


Power Clean 4 x 2 reps (heavy) 


Plate twist 3x15 
V-sit ups 3x20

*Scaling = none 

Saturday 20150613


Bench Press


One Arm Kettlebell Press, 3 x 8-10 reps (each side)

3 x 15 High Pulls (pick good weight)

2 x Max Hold of Side Bridge (each side)

[REST 10 minutes]


2 Full Squat Snatches Every minute on the minute for 12 minutes @ 50% of 1RM

**Focus on the quality of these reps

3 x 5 Plate Jumps [DEMO]

*Competitor: As prescribed 
*Established: Hang Snatch Below Knee/No plates, just land flat on the ground
*Recruit: Hang Snatch above knee/Box jumps instead of plate jumps 

Post results to comments.

Friday 20150612


5×3 Deadlift @ 80% 1RM
Rest 2 minutes between sets

Short break, then…

3×10 Straight Leg deadlift @ 30% of 1RM


6 rounds work/rest match of…

150m row or run

*As long as it takes to row or run 150m, you then rest that amount, then start again…

*Competitor: As prescribed 
*Established: As prescribed. 
*Recruit: As prescribed 

Post results to comments.