Wednesday 20150610


How many miles will you run?

  • Run 1 mile... 
  • Recover for 3 minutes 

Record time.

  • Run 1 mile... 
  • Recover for 3 minutes 

Record time.

Repeat mile runs until your mile time is beyond 45 seconds slower than first mile.



Tuesday 20150609


10 Rounds

*New round starts every 3 minutes*

3 Ground to overhead any way @ 135
4 Front Squat @ 135
5 Back Squat @ 135
6 Lunges (3 ea. leg) @ 135
1 Max Distance Broad Jump

If you cannot fit all the work within the 3 minutes of each round, the workout is over.

*Competitor: As prescribed 
*Established: 115
*Recruit: 95

Post loads and rounds completed to comments. Did you get all 10? You can do it!

Monday 20150608


Deadlift 10 reps every 90 seconds x 5 @ 50% of 1 RM

Squat Clean Pyramid

4 @ 50%
3 @ 60%
2 @ 70%
1 @ 85%
2 @ 70%
3 @ 60%
4 @ 50%


15 minute time cap to complete the following:

200 push-ups
100 sit-ups
50 pull-ups

If not completed…

Additional 50 burpees

*Competitor: As prescribed 
*Established:  As prescribed 
*Recruit: 90 sec or greater/No squat cleans/crunches/pull-up progressions 

Saturday 20150606


Push Press

5 sets of 5 reps, work up each set. 


Every 30 seconds for 10 minutes perform 2 handstand push-ups 


5 rounds for quality...

1 Squat Clean @ 90% of 1RM 
2 Knee Jumps [DEMO]
3 Clean-Grip Deadlifts @ 90% of 1 RM
4 Burpee Pull-ups 

*Competitor: As prescribed 
*Established: As prescribed 
*Recruit: Hand release push-ups for strength. Practice cleans for conditioning followed by 50 burpees. 
