Tuesday 20150324


For time...  

Run 2K

Rest 7 minutes 

5 min max reps double unders (scale to 2x or 3x single-unders) 

Rest 3 minutes 

For time...  

Run 1K 

Rest 5 minutes 

2.5 min max reps double unders (scale to 2x or 3x single-unders) 

*Post 2K and 1K times as well as total double under reps to comments. 

Monday 20150323


5×3 Deadlift @ 80% 1RM
Rest 2 minutes between sets

Short break, then…

3×10 Straight Leg deadlift @ 30% of 1RM




Rest 1 minute 

8X (20SEC WORK/10SEC REST) PUSH PRESS @ 45 lb barbell


100 sit-ups

Saturday 20150320


Strict Press - 5 x 10 reps @ 50% 1 RM (quality reps!) 


Death by Push-Up - 20 minute time limit... 

1st minute = 1 push-up, 2nd minute = 2 push-ups, 3rd minute = 3 push-ups, etc. Go until you can’t make the prescribed number in a minute, or cap out at 20 minutes. 


Death By 10 Meters

With a continuously running clock run 10 meters the first minute, run 20 meters the 2nd minute, 30 meters at the 3rd minute…. continue until you cannot complete the distance within the minute.

Friday 20150319


Back Squat 5-5-5-5-5 

Rest 3 minutes 

KB Swing 20-20-20-20-20 (Must be unbroken, pick weight accordingly). Rest as needed between sets. 


For time: 

30 Handstand push-ups (scale: hand release push-ups or box elevated push-ups)
40 Pull-ups (scale with bands) 
50 Kettlebell swings, 1.5 pood 
60 Sit-ups
70 Burpees

Wednesday 20150318

Today, you accomplish a feat few will in their lives...

Run for 60+ minutes 

To some is sounds easy, to some it sounds ridiculous. Being able to grind minute after minute for a full hour will test your body, your mind and your grit. 

But if you didn't notice there is a little "plus" sign after the 60. The plus is where you decide what to achieve. Getting to 60 minutes is AWESOME! But can you do 61? Can you do 73?

The first challenge, try to complete 60 minutes without walking. The second challenge...find your "plus". 

If you walk, stop or rest the workout is over, whether that happens at 11 minutes or 86 minutes. 

Time to get to know yourself.