Tuesday 20150317


Anaerobic Endurance

5 rounds of…  

  • 8 reps - hang power clean high speed high load - you choose weight (recruits use empty bar) 
  • 15 unbroken box jumps - 24” (step ups will be the progression) 
  • Rest 2 minutes 

Rest 5 minutes 

5 rounds of… 

  • 8 reps - ground to overhead high speed high load - you choose weight
  • Sprint 15 sec @ maximal effort (RUN OR ROW) 
  • Rest 2 minutes 


20 minutes of push-pull…

10 push-ups 
10 pull-ups (use progressions as needed) 

*Scaling written in workout

Monday 20150316


Snatch Grip DeadLift

  • 1 x 30 reps
  • 5 set of 3 reps w/ 30 sec. rests (heavy weight)

Ring Dips/Bar Dip/Bench Dips 

  • 1 x max reps
  • 5 sets of 12 reps w/ 45 sec rests
  • Kip only when you have to

Pistols (start here if you need progressions

  • 8 each leg w/ kettlebell of your choice
  • 4x

HandStand Push Ups/Push-ups (dependent ok your skill/strength level)

  • 1 x max reps
  • 5 sets of 10 reps w/ 45 sec rests

L Sit

  • 5 x as long as possible
  • 60 sec rest b/w attempts

Saturday 20150314

Kettlebell Grit Challenge

4 rounds of the following...

  • 10 kettlbell swings
  • 10 Single­arm KB Press (R)
  • 10 Single­arm KB Press (L)
  • 10 Sumo­deadlift high pull
  • 10 KB Snatch (alternating)

+ Burpee penalties, if any. Rules...

You cannot set the kettlebell down, not even between rounds Each time to KB touches the ground, 10 burpee penalty

You pick KB weight. 1, 1.5 or 2 pood should do.


As many reps as possible in 60 seconds of ring dips, rest 1 minute and repeat 3 times.

Rest 5 minutes

As many reps as possible in 60 seconds of OHS w/ empty barbell (PVC for recruits), rest 1 minute and repeat 3 times.

Friday 20150313

A lot going on around EO3: 



6 rounds of... 

  • 30:30 Row (30 seconds of work/30 second of rest) 
  • Goal >150m per 30 seconds 

Rest 5 minutes 

6 rounds of... 

  • 30:30 Row (30 seconds of work/30 second of rest) 
  • Goal >150m per 30 seconds 

Rest 5 minutes

6 rounds of... 

  • 30:30 Row (30 seconds of work/30 second of rest) 
  • Goal >150m per 30 seconds 


>150m is for competitors. >130m = established. >110m = recruit
If running, instead of rowing, distances are 130m/120m/110m. 

Really want to challenge yourself? 10 burpee penalty for every busted meter goal.


Wednesday 20150311

Scored Workout #1 

Two rounds of...

  • As many pull-ups as possible (failure), rest 60 seconds

Rest two minutes 

  • Strict Press - 1 RM in 10 min 
  • Rest 60 seconds 
  • Run 1 min for max meters 

Score = total pull-ups (two sets) + 1RM load in lbs + meters ran


Scored Workout #2

As many round as possible in 5 minutes of... 

10 KB Goblet Squat @ 2 pood 
30 double-unders 

Score = total reps 


Scored Workout #3

As many reps as possible in 4 minutes of... 

Kettlebell Swing @ 2 pood 

Score = total reps 

Add scores for each workout to comments. Scale weight as needed.