5 Rounds of...
10x Power Cleans @ 60%
200m sprint (run away from barbell)
Bear crawl back to barbell
10x back squats @ 50%
Rest 3 minutes between rounds
*All as prescribed
Take the Plunge
5 Rounds of...
10x Power Cleans @ 60%
200m sprint (run away from barbell)
Bear crawl back to barbell
10x back squats @ 50%
Rest 3 minutes between rounds
*All as prescribed
10 x 3 reps squat @ 50% - speed focus
10 x 3 reps deadlift @ 50% - speed focus
5 rounds
In 3 minutes
500m row or run
Max reps box jumps
Rest 2 minutes between rounds
60 minute Row or Run @ Easy Pace
Don’t skip this workout!
Alright, last week you got a taste of the aerobic breathing ladder. Now, it's time for a little "panic breathing". Read today's article if you want to know more.
Breathing Ladder
Two rounds of...
1-15 breathing ladder
Thrusters @ challenging weight
Rest 5 minutes between rounds
Looks like: 1 thruster, 1 focused deep breath, 2 thrusters, 2 focused deep breaths, etc. Goes up to 15 and then rest before doing it again. Adjust weight as needed for second ladder.
Breathe in the standing position.
*Competitor: As prescribed
*Established: As prescribed
*Recruit: 1-10
7 Rounds of...
Clean Grip DeadLift, 5 reps (heavy load that can be moved quickly)
15 seconds rest
Ring Dips, 5 reps
Rest 3-5 minutes
7 Rounds of...
Goblet Squat @ 2 Pood, 10 reps
15 seconds rest
Handstand Push-up, 5 reps
Rest 3-5 minutes
7 Rounds of...
Sit-ups, as many reps as possible in 30 seconds
30 seconds rest
*Competitor: As prescribed. Add weight to ring dips.
*Established: Bar dips/1.5 pood
*Recruit: Bench dips/1 pood/Hand release push-up