Snatch Grip DeadLift
- 1 x 30 reps
- 5 set of 3 reps w/ 30 sec. rests (heavy weight)
Ring Dips/Bar Dip/Bench Dips
- 1 x max reps
- 5 sets of 12 reps w/ 45 sec rests
- Kip only when you have to
Pistols (start here if you need progressions)
- 8 each leg w/ kettlebell of your choice
- 4x
HandStand Push Ups/Push-ups (dependent ok your skill/strength level)
- 1 x max reps
- 5 sets of 10 reps w/ 45 sec rests
L Sit
- 5 x as long as possible
- 60 sec rest b/w attempts