Tuesday 20150303


In 15 minutes work up to heavy front squat


Front Squat / Jump 

10 front squats at 50% of today's heavy FS 
10 Box Jumps @ 24" 

6 front squats at 75% of today's heavy FS 
6 Box Jumps @ 24" 

4 front squats at 85% of today's heavy FS 
4 Box Jumps @ 24" 

3 front squats at 90% of today's heavy FS 
3 Box Jumps @ 24" 

*Only rest as long as it takes to change out weights. 


Time Trial [Max Effort]

400m run OR 500m Row 

*Scale box jumps to lower box or do step-ups 

Monday 20150302

Bodyweight Master 

Time cap 30 minutes. Start your timer…

100 pull-ups (kip allowed) 
100 push-ups 
100 squats 
100 sit-ups 
100 mountain climbers 
10 burpees as fast as humanly possible. Yea, I know you are tired. Do them quickly!! (not a typo, only 10) 

Rest for a minute. Now look at your clock. Is there still time? Start over until 30 minutes expires. 

*Competitor: As prescribed
*Established: 75’s
*Recruit: 50’s/pull-up progressions as needed 

Saturday 20150228

Don't forget the survey! Thank you! 

CLICK HERE to take the ACCELERATE Survey


Standing Strict Press 


The first set of each rep scheme is a “test” weight. Do something you know you can do for 10 reps, rest, then do your next set of 10 reps at a weight that will challenge you significantly. Do the same for all rep schemes.


3 rounds…

  • 15 reps, Push Press @ weight of your second set of 10 reps above (this is a PUSH press). If needed move to push jerk.  
  • Max distance run or row in 2 minutes 
  • rest 90 seconds 

*Competitor: As prescribed
*Established: As prescribed
*Recruit: As prescribed


Friday 20150227

If you have not yet gotten a chance to fill out the survey, please do so at the link below. I would greatly appreciate it! 

CLICK HERE to take the ACCELERATE Survey

Breathing Ladder(ish)


Kettlebell Swing

Looks like: 1 KB swing, 1 push-up, 1 focused deep breath, 2 KB swings, 2 push-ups, 2 focused deep breaths, etc. Goes up to 20 and then back down starting at 19 and so on. 

Breathe in the standing position.

*Competitor: As prescribed
*Established: 1-15-1 ladder
*Recruit: 1-10-1 ladder 

Wednesday 20150225

4D Strength and Conditioning

10 rounds for time or 30 minutes (whichever comes first) 

6 hang power clean @ 95 
20 double-unders 
8 KB Row (ea. side) @ 2 Pood 
10 Diamond Push-ups 

*Competitor: As prescribed 
*Established: 75/1.5 Pood
*Recruit: 45/1 Pood