This 6 Week challenge is over!! Time to retest!
In 15 minutes find 1 RM for Snatch
~Rest 5-10 minutes~
In 15 minutes find 1 RM for Clean
*Competitor: As prescribed
*Established: As prescribed
*Recruit: As prescribed
Take the Plunge
This 6 Week challenge is over!! Time to retest!
In 15 minutes find 1 RM for Snatch
~Rest 5-10 minutes~
In 15 minutes find 1 RM for Clean
*Competitor: As prescribed
*Established: As prescribed
*Recruit: As prescribed
Pick an ‘R’…
RUN – 10 x 200m, rest 2:00 b/w sprints
ROW – 12 x 200m, rest 2:00 b/w sprints
RUCK – 8 x 200m with 85+ lb., rest 2:00 b/w ruck
*Competitor: As prescribed
*Established: As prescribed, if rucking pick appropriate weight
*Recruit: As prescribed, if rucking pick appropriate weight
MetCon x 2
8 min AMRAP:
7 KB swings @ 1.5 pood
7 burpees
~rest 4 min~
8 min AMRAP:
15 double unders
10 toes to bar
*Competitor: As prescribed
*Established: As prescribed/Knees to elbow
*Recruit: 1 pood/4x single unders/knees to chest