Friday 20151016



Pick an ‘R’…


RUN – 2 x 1600m, rest 7:00 b/w sprints


ROW – 2 x 2000m, rest 7:00 b/w sprints


RUCK – 2 x 1600m with 65+ lb., rest 10:00 b/w ruck


*Competitor: As prescribed

*Established: As prescribed, if rucking pick appropriate weight

*Recruit: As prescribed, if rucking pick appropriate weight

Tuesday 20151013



Percentages are not listed for these lifts because all the work has been done for you in this simple excel sheet.


Supersets (heavier than last week):

  • Clean 5-4-4-3-2-2-1
  • Deadlift 5-4-4-3-2-2-1

~Rest 3 minutes~


5×5 Squat (heavier than last week)


Assistance (supersets):

  • Pull-ups 3 × max reps
  • Dips 3 × max reps


Burnout (supersets):

  • 3 x max plank hold
  • 3 x max toes to bar


**Toes to bar, no kipping, keep vertical torso. Slow and controlled, not “CrossFit Style” Toes to bar, rather, leg raises all the way to the bar**


*Competitor: As prescribed

*Established: Do not do burnout sets

*Recruit: Perform clean only if able, or only with PVC. Only complete clean, deadlift and squat. Nothing further.