Saturday 20151010



Work up to heavy (near max) push press in 10 minutes


~Rest 5 minutes~




7 rounds for time:


10 Kettlbell Swings @ 2 Pood

10 Burpees

10 Double-Unders

10 Pull-ups

Rest 2 minutes


*Competitor: As prescribed

*Established: 1.5 pood/4x single unders

*Recruit: 1 pood/2x single unders/pull-up progressions or barbell rows

Friday 20151009



Percentages are not listed for these lifts because all the work has been done for you in this simple excel sheet.


Supersets (heavier than last week) :

  • Snatch 3-3-3-2-2-2-1
  • Bench Press 8-6-5-4-3-2-1


~Rest 3 minutes~


5×5 Overhead Press (heavier than last week)


Assistance (supersets):

  • Deadlift Sumo High Pull 3×12 (heavier than last week)
  • Single-Arm Kettle Bell Swings 3×15


Burnout (supersets):

  • Plyo Push-up 2×15
  • Plate Jumps 2×12 (higher than last week)


*Competitor: As prescribed

*Established: Do not do burnout sets

*Recruit: Perform snatch only if able, or only with PVC. Only complete snatch, bench and overhead press. Nothing further.

Wednesday 20151007



Pick an ‘R’…


RUN – 10 x 200m, rest 1:00 b/w sprints


ROW – 10 x 200m, rest 1:00 b/w sprints


RUCK – 4 x 500m with 85+ lb., rest 1:00 b/w ruck


*Competitor: As prescribed

*Established: 8 x (ruck still 4 but w/ 65 lb.)

*Recruit: 6  x  (ruck still 4 but w/ 45 lb.)