Wednesday 20150729


5 rounds: As many reps as possible of push press @ 135/95/65 in 20 seconds, rest 1:40 b/w rounds

Rest exactly 3 minutes, then…

Death by Handstand push-up or hand release push-up (20 min time cap)

With a continuously running clock do one hand release push-up/HSPU the first minute, two hand release push-ups/HSPUs the second minute, three hand release push-ups/HSPUs the third minute…max 20 minute time limit.

Use as many sets each minute as needed.


10 rounds of…

20 seconds max effort sprint
Walk for 2:40

Tuesday 20150728


Deadlift 10 reps every 90 seconds x 5 @ 50% of 1 RM

Squat Clean Pyramid

4 @ 50%
3 @ 60%
2 @ 70%
1 @ 80%
2 @ 70%
3 @ 60%
4 @ 50%


15 minute time cap to complete the following:

200 push-ups
100 sit-ups
50 pull-ups

If not completed…

Additional 50 burpees

*Competitor: As prescribed 
*Established:  As prescribed 
*Recruit: 90 sec or greater/No squat cleans/crunches/pull-up progressions 

Monday 20150727

Let’s re-test that 1 RM Back Squat!


Use your previous 1 RM for these percentages, then find new max lift:

  • 1×5 @ 50%
  • 1×3 @ 60%
  • 1×2 @ 70%
  • 1×1 @ 80%
  • 1×1 @ 90%
  • 1×1 @ 100%+ or new PR.


12 min AMRAP

6 burpees
4 pistols (r)
4 pistols (l)
6 burpees

No alternating on pistols.

All levels as prescribed.

Friday 20150724


Back Squat 7 x 5 @ 70%


5 rounds:

3 x Thruster @ 135lbs
10 x clapping push-ups
20 ft. hand stand walk


Run 1 mile (fast)

*Competitor: As prescribed 
*Established: 115 on Grit/hand release push ups/45 sec. handstand hold/800m on backbone
*Recruit: 95 on Grit/push-ups/45 sec. elevated handstand progression hold/Do not perform “backbone”

Post weights and times.