Tuesday 20150210


In 15 minutes work up to 5 RM squat

~Rest 3 min~

1 set – As many reps as possible @ 70% of your 5 RM squat

~Rest 3 min~

3 x 10 reps pistols (5 each leg) 


10 min AMRAP

10 walking barbell lunges @ 135
10 hand-release push-ups
25 double-unders

*Competitor: As prescribed 
*Established: 115
*Recruit: 75/3x single-unders  

Post loads and WOD rounds to comments.

Monday 20150209


4 sets, go up in weight each set.  1 set = completion of the following complex:

7 Deadlift + 7 Hang Clean + 7 Front Squat + 7 Push Press + 7 Back Squat + 7 Burpees

*Do not set bar down. 
*Rest 4 minutes b/w sets 

Aerobic capacity

For 15 minutes…

Pick one: Run/Airdyne/Row

30 sec. on
30 sec. off

*Competitor: As prescribed 
*Established: As prescribed. 
*Recruit: As prescribed 

Post results to comments.

Sprint mechanics video.

Saturday 20150207


Dynamic Effort Box Squats 8 x 2 reps @ 50% of 1 RM Squat (20″ box)

Stiff Leg Deadlift, 3 x 8-10 reps

3 x 10 box jumps 20-24″ box, for quality and speed; a.k.a best form possible while moving quickly, rest 60 sec. between sets.


3 rounds

50 Double Unders or 25 Tuck Jumps
25 Wall Ball Shots (2 for 1 wall ball shots) [DEMO]

*Competitor: Double Unders 
*Established: Tuck Jumps 
*Recruit: Tuck Jumps and regular Wall Balls 

Post results and times to comments.

Friday 20150206


Max reps double-unders in 2 minutes
21 Thrusters @ 95
Run 400m
21 Pull-ups
Max reps double-unders in 2 minutes
15 Thrusters @ 95
Run 400m
15 Pull-ups
Max reps double-unders in 2 minutes
9 Thrusters @ 95
Run 400m
9 Pull-ups

*Competitor: As prescribed 
*Established: 75/4x single unders
*Recruit: 45/3x single unders/pull-up band progressions/200m