Tuesday 20150203


What the Ruck!? 

Ruck: Walking at a fast clip over rugged terrain with a weighted backpack.

Event: Ruck March

Distance: Ruck 5-7 miles

Ruck Weight: 25-45 lb 

Why ruck? This is mental training.

The Twist: Every mile stop (don't unload weight) then...

  • 3 Rounds
  • 10 Squats 
  • 10 Push-ups 

Good luck. Post time to comments. If it is raining, cold, or otherwise challenging weather...consider yourself lucky! 

Monday 20150202


Work up to heavy power clean in 7 minutes, then…

2 power cleans every minute on the minute for 7 minutes at 75% of above heavy power clean.


10 rounds of…

5 Deadlift @ 225
30 sec. sprint row or run
Rest 90 seconds

*Competitor: As prescribed 
*Established: 185 
*Recruit: 135

Post results to comments.

Saturday 20150131


5 x 5 reps Squat, working up each set. 
5 x 10 reps Strict Press @ 50%


2 x 20 Squat 
2 x 20 Bench press

*As heavy as you can go for 20 reps. Rest 3-5 minutes before second set.

Still have a lot left in the tank? You shouldn't. But if you do...

Run until you don't.

*Competitor: As Prescribed.  
*Established: As Prescribed.   
*Recruit: As prescribed. 

Friday 20150130


Every minute on the minute (competitors = every 30 seconds) 

  • 10 x 2 reps Deadlift @ 85% of 1RM [SPEED FOCUS]*

*Don't explode on these reps, just as fast as PERFECT form will allow.


5 x 5 power snatch working up each set 



Pull-ups. Rest only as needed. 


21 – 15 – 9

Handstand push-ups 
Ring Dips

*Competitor: As prescribed 
*Established: As prescribed. Bar dips. 
*Recruit: Snatch PVC or bar. Elevated box push-ups. Bench dips. 

Wednesday 20150128


Every minute on the minute (competitors = every 30 seconds) 

  • 7 x 1 rep Press @ 85% of 1RM [SPEED/FORM FOCUS]*

Every minute on the minute (competitors = every 30 seconds) 

  • 7 x 1 rep Box Squat @ 85% of 1 RM [SPEED/FORM FOCUS]*

Don't explode on these reps, just as fast as PERFECT form will allow. 


3 x 50 push-ups 
3 x 50 sit-ups  


Every minute on the minute for 10 minutes (competitors = every 30 seconds until you can no longer keep pace...if that happens) 

3 Cleans @ 135
9 box jumps 20″

*Competitor: As Prescribed  
*Established: 75-115    
*Recruit: 45-75   

