Explosive Work
- Clap push-up – 4 x Failure
- Broad Jump – 4 x 5
Stop set when movement loses explosives or max number of reps is reached.
*Competitor: As prescribed
*Established: As prescribed
*Recruit: Hand Release Push Up
Strength Work
4 rounds
- Hand Stand Push Up, 10 reps
- Front Lever Hold, 10 seconds
- Pistols, 10 reps (each leg)
*Rest 30 Seconds between exercises and 1 minute between rounds.
*Competitor: As prescribed
*Established: Hand Stand Hold/3×10 toes to bar
*Recruit: Feet Elevated Push Up/3×10 knees to elbow/Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat
4 Rounds for time.
Lunge Jump x 16
Spiderman Push-Up x 10
Chest to bar Pull-Up x 5
Somersault x 4
V-ups x 10
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