Monday 20141110


Deadlift 4-4-4-4 

Rest 4 min. 

Deadlift 4+ (take your heaviest set of 4 and do as many reps as possible), recruits skip this! 

Pull-ups 5 x 5* Lower yourself AS SLOWLY as possible on every rep (use band if you cannot complete negatives or are currently working on pull-up progressions. No band = use chair.)

3 x 8 bicep curls (heavy) 


[Max effort] 500m row (or 400m run)


3 rounds

  • 5 minute row 
  • Rest 2 minutes 
  • Goal +/- 3 seconds within +15 seconds of pace of max effort 500m row; i.e. if you completed a 1:30 500m row, you should keep, ideally, a 1:45 average 500m pace for each 5 minute duration (same time rules if you picked run).  

Scaling written in workout.