Friday 20150911

For Time:

2001 Meter Row or Run

11 Box Jumps (30/24)

11 Thrusters (125/85)

11 Burpee Chest To Bar Pullups

11 Power Cleans (170/120)


11 KB Swings (2pood/1.5pood)

11 T2B

11 Dead Lifts (170/120)

11 Push Jerks (110/75)

2001 Meter Run or Row

The WOD itself is completely symbolic of 9/11

The 2001M row or run represents the year the attack took place.

The 11 Reps of 9 exercises represent the date.

Even the weights have meaning.

The 125lb Thrusters represents the number of deaths that occurred at the Pentagon.

The 175lb Power Clean symbolizes AA Flight 175 that hit the South Tower

The 170lb Dead Lift is symbolic of flight 77 and Flight 93 combined

The 110lb Push Jerk represents the number of floors in each tower of the World Trade Center

Wednesday 20150909


In as few sets as possible complete 100 pull-ups (strict) 

Rest 3 minutes 

Work up to heavy overhead squat in 12 minutes (try to hit a rep every 90 seconds) 

Rest 3 minutes

In as few sets as possible  100 push-ups (hand-release) 


3 rounds for time of... 

20 jumping lunges
15 push press at 65 lb. 
10 squats
5 handstand pushups 

*Competitor, established, recruit: As prescribed. Progressions of your choice if needed for pull-ups

Tuesday 20150908



7 sets of 10 reps (pick challenging weight) 
In between every set...

  • 5 turkish getups right arm [VIDEO]
  • 5 turkish getups left arm
  • Weight does not matter. Perfect form does. For you overachievers, don't go above 1.5 pood. 

Rest as needed in between sets. 


5 sets of 7 reps of...

Barbell Roll Outs [VIDEO]


Hero Training...You know, being able to be incredibly powerful with little rest.

5 rounds of... 

3 hang power cleans @ 75%
Row or Run 100m (SPRINT) 
Rest 3 minutes b/w efforts 


Hold the front leaning rest as long as possible. 

*Competitor: As prescribed
*Established: As prescribed
*Recruit: Deadlift = NO TGUs