Friday 20150904


In 15 minutes as many reps as possible of bench press @ bodyweight (i.e 185 lb male would bench press 185 lb) 


3 x 50 push-ups 


10 rounds...

5 thrusters @ 95
15 sit-ups
rest 1 minute

*Competitor: As prescribed
*Established: 75
*Recruit: 65% of 1RM on bench press/45

Post weights and reps to comments. Post time to comments. 

Monday 20150831


Every 30 seconds for 10 minutes... 

2 Hang cleans + 1 Front Squat + 1 Hang Clean

Pick weight between 95-135 lb or, roughly 45-50% of your 1 RM squat clean.


In 10 minutes...

Work up to a near max effort (90-95%) Front Squat  

~Rest 3-5 minutes~


3 rounds 

10 Front Squat @ 50% of today's heavy front squat
10 box jumps @ 30" 

*Recruit - Every minute, as opposed to 30 seconds and use PVC or barbell to develop the skill. Work to heavy FS, at 85% effort. 20" box. 
*Established - 24" box
*Competitor - As written