60 minute run.
Post distance to comments...if you have the guts the complete this workout.
Take the Plunge
60 minute run.
Post distance to comments...if you have the guts the complete this workout.
3 rounds of...
Squat Clean, 10 reps @ 50% of 1RM
60 seconds of Box Jumps @ 24"
60 seconds of Burpee Pull-ups
60 second Row at 95% effort
Rest 2 minutes
After three rounds, rest 5-10 minutes, then....
3 rounds of...
Front Squat, 10 reps @ 50% of 1RM
60 seconds of Double Unders
60 seconds of Burpee Pull-ups
60 second Airdyne at 95% effort
Rest 2 minutes
Scaling = Box jumps @ 20" or step-ups. 3x single unders if you don't have DUs. No rower or airdyne...you will run on both.
In 15 minutes work up to Heavy OHS...
5 x 3 reps @ 80% of heavy set above.
Rest 2-3 min b/w sets
With 40% of your bodyweight...
Ring Dips
*Scale = 35% of bw or 30% of bw. Bar dips or bench dips.
Stop set when movement loses explosives or max number of reps is reached.
*Competitor: As prescribed
*Established: As prescribed
*Recruit: Hand Release Push Up
In 15 minutes work up to 3 RM Squat
~Rest 3 min~
1 set – As many reps as possible of squats @ 80% of your 3 RM above
~Rest 3 min~
2 x failure sit-ups
2 x 10 pistols (5 each leg)
15 min AMRAP:
*Competitor: As prescribed
*Established: 95
*Recruit: 75
Post loads and rounds to comments.