Tuesday 201506030


3 rounds of...

Squat Clean, 10 reps @ 50% of 1RM 
60 seconds of Box Jumps @ 24" 
60 seconds of Burpee Pull-ups 
60 second Row at 95% effort 
Rest 2 minutes  

After three rounds, rest 5-10 minutes, then....

3 rounds of...

Front Squat, 10 reps @ 50% of 1RM 
60 seconds of Double Unders
60 seconds of Burpee Pull-ups 
60 second Airdyne at 95% effort 
Rest 2 minutes  

Scaling = Box jumps @ 20" or step-ups. 3x single unders if you don't have DUs. No rower or airdyne...you will run on both.