Hero Wednesday!
We will be doing a HERO Workout for two more weeks, on Wednesday. Now you know!
- 50 Pull-ups
- 400 meter run
- 95 pound Thruster, 21 reps
- 800 meter run
- 95 pound Thruster, 21 reps
- 400 meter run
- 50 Pull-ups
For time. Scale as needed.
Take the Plunge
Hero Wednesday!
We will be doing a HERO Workout for two more weeks, on Wednesday. Now you know!
For time. Scale as needed.
3 rounds for time of...
Round 1
225 lb Back Squats, 30 Reps
Handstand Push Ups, 50 Reps
Round 2
225 lb Back Squats, 20 Reps
Handstand Push Ups, 25 Reps
Round 3
225 lb Back Squats, 10 Reps
Handstand Push Ups, 10 Reps
*Scaling = 55-65% of 1RM. Hand release push-ups.
Post times to comments.
In 15 min work up to...
3 RM Deadlift
5 x 10 strict pull-ups
5 x 12 bent barbell row
5 rounds of...
15 reps, Dip
15 reps, Skull Crusher @ 75lb
15 reps, Push-up
Memorial Day is coming up!
Take on one of the workouts from this article:
Post your thoughts and times to comments!
Time Trial
Do this workout! Your time/effort will be used in the next two weeks for another workout.