Wednesday 20150128


Every minute on the minute (competitors = every 30 seconds) 

  • 7 x 1 rep Press @ 85% of 1RM [SPEED/FORM FOCUS]*

Every minute on the minute (competitors = every 30 seconds) 

  • 7 x 1 rep Box Squat @ 85% of 1 RM [SPEED/FORM FOCUS]*

Don't explode on these reps, just as fast as PERFECT form will allow. 


3 x 50 push-ups 
3 x 50 sit-ups  


Every minute on the minute for 10 minutes (competitors = every 30 seconds until you can no longer keep pace...if that happens) 

3 Cleans @ 135
9 box jumps 20″

*Competitor: As Prescribed  
*Established: 75-115    
*Recruit: 45-75   

