Tuesday 20150106

"The Elephant” Baseline Workout:

This is max effort people. If you have gas left in the tank after this one, you're doing it wrong.

6 min to est. 1 rep heavy squat clean
Rest 1 min
Max Rep Burpees in 60 sec.
Rest 1 min
1 min rep test back squat @ 225/185/135/95
Rest 1 min
Handstand Hold 1 min
Rest 1 min
Run max meters in 7 min
Your score for this workout is a single number…

Squat clean weight + Burpees + Back Squat Reps + Seconds held of handstand + Meters ran = Workout Score


225 lb + 40 burpees + 24 back squats @ 225 lb + 27 sec. held + 1,400 m ran = 1,716

*For the back squat test, choose applicable weight.