Friday 20150116

Two quick things... 

#1 - We are are doing a week of "repeat" workouts. If you've been here since October, and logging your workouts, check your before and after times/weight/etc. And let me know! 

#2 - Just in case you haven't seen, I'm giving away a free barbell check it out here


Every minute on the minute for 12 minutes...

3 Cleans @ 60%



New round starts every two minutes of...

10 Thrusters @ 95 
10 Kettlebell Swings @ 2 pood 
10 Pull-ups 
10 toes-to-bar 

Complete all reps in two minutes or the workout is over, even if you don't finish one round. Time cap is 12 minutes, or 6 rounds. How far will you make it? 

Compare to Friday 20141017

*Competitor: As Prescribed.
*Established: 75/1.5 pood/knees to elbow
*Recruit: Sit-ups. 45/1 pood/leg raises