Saturday 20140419

You can't be harder to kill without the Eo3 5K!! See where you are at in the standards here

EO3 5K 

800m Run
3 Rounds: 5 Push-ups, 10 Sit-ups & 15 Squats
800m Run
3 Rounds: 5 Push-ups, 10 Sit-ups & 15 Squats
800m Run
3 Rounds: 5 Push-ups, 10 Sit-ups & 15 Squats
800m Run
3 Rounds: 5 Push-ups, 10 Sit-ups & 15 Squats
800m Run
3 Rounds: 5 Push-ups, 10 Sit-ups & 15 Squats
800m Run
3 Rounds: 5 Push-ups, 10 Sit-ups & 15 Squats

~Rest 3 minutes~

100m sprint

~Rest 60 seconds~

100m sprint