Monday 20141208



  • 3-3-3-3-3 (find 3 RM) 


  • 3-3-3-3-3 (find 3 RM)

2 x Squat 30:30* (w/ 30% of 1RM) 

2 x Press 30:30* (w/ empty barbell) 

*30:30 = 30 seconds of work followed by 30 seconds of rest. HOLD ON, not that simple. The "rest" for the squat is in the down position (keep abs and back engaged), and the rest for the press is with the barbell overhead. 2 x 30:30 = 2 minutes of continuous work and "rest". 


As many rounds as possible in 14 minutes of... 

  • 25 Squats 
  • 25 Push-ups 

*All as prescribed

Post weights, favorite animal, and thoughts about your 30:30 experience to the comments.