Wednesday 20141015


4 x 5 reps Front Squat. Last set should be heavy! 
4 x 10 reps Bench Press. Go for a 10 rep max. A spotter would be helpful. 


3 x 10 reps Overhead Barbell Walking Lunge @ your comfort (70% of your bodyweight should be a challenge) 
3 x 20 pistols (10 each leg)
3 x 20 dips 


Accumulate 5 minutes in the Front Leaning Rest (push-up "up" position)

Time Trial 

2,000 meters of swim, run or row.  

*Competitor: As Prescribed. Ring Dips. 
*Established: Pistol progressions (use pole or wall). Bar Dips.   
*Recruit: Sit-ups. No weight on lunges. No pistols, do air squats. Bench Dips.