Tuesday 20150407


Today is pretty simple.

Pick three endurance, highly aerobic exercises:

  • Jump Rope
  • Running
  • Rowing
  • Swimming
  • Airdyne
  • Jumping jacks 
  • Mountain Climbers 
  • Burpees 
  • What else...?

Pick your three and complete 15 minutes of each. As soon as you finish one exercise complete 50 push-ups before the transition to the next 15 minute session.

This should not be an easy day, or an easy pace. Pick a pace for each movement that you can keep for 14 minutes...not 15 minutes.

Scare yourself a little bit today, get to know yourself a little bit better today, push yourself today.  

Become harder to kill! 

Monday 20150406


For Time:

Bench Press x 20 reps @ bodyweight
Deadlift x 20 @ bodyweight
50 jumps over 10″ object
Bench Press x 15 reps @ bodyweight
Deadlift x 15 @ bodyweight
40 jumps over 10″ object
Bench Press x 10 reps @ bodyweight
Deadlift x 10 @ bodyweight
30 jumps over 10″ object

*Competitor: As prescribed 
*Established: 80% BW
*Recruit: 50% BW

Post results to comments.

Saturday 20150404


Every 45 seconds for 6 minutes perform 3 strict presses with 45% of your 1 RM. Focus on form and SPEEEEEEEED. 


3 sets of as many hand stand push-ups as possible. 


What's two minutes??

6 rounds of... 

30 seconds box jump (24") 
30 seconds burpees 
30 seconds double-unders 
30 seconds squat jumps 
60 seconds rest 

Competitor: As written. 
Established: As written. 
Recruit: Elevated push-ups. Single-unders. 

Friday 20150403


100 pull-ups broken up in as few sets as possible. Rest as needed and scale or use progressions/bands as needed. Slow, controlled, strict and full lock out of the arms at the bottom of every rep. 


Accumulate 7 minutes in the front leaning rest (top of the push-up position)


Overhead Squat Speed 


Overhead Squat, 65 lb. 

More OHS practice! It's good for you. The goal in this OHS workout is speed and accuracy. 

Competitor: As written. 
Established: As written. 
Recruit: If not comfortable with OHS, use PVC or light plate overhead. 

Wednesday 20150401

If you don't have Olympic lifting down, do this workout with PVC or an empty barbell. Learn the movements. 


Work up to heavy snatch in 15 minutes…not a second longer.


With 70% of today’s heavy snatch…

  • 6 sets of 2 reps (speed focus)


For 7 minutes…

Every 30 seconds 1 power snatch + 1 overhead squat @40-60% of clean