Eo3 Foundations

Friday 20140523


3-5 minutes jog, row or aidryne


3 rounds of...(Lower body emphasis)
5 wall squats 
10 squats
20 lunges

3 rounds of...(Upper body emphasis)
10 PVC pass throughs
5 pull-ups
10 push-ups
15 kettlebell swings (very light)


5 minutes of dynamic stretching.


4 Rounds of… 
300m Row/Run
25 Thruster 95lb
25 Burpee
Rest 1 minute 

~Rest 10 minutes~


[Max Effort] As many strict pull-ups as possible, then...

In as few sets as possible, 95 pull-ups
Rest as needed between sets.
Do assisted pull-ups if needed.

Wednesday 20140521

DAY 8 


3-5 minutes jog, row or aidryne


3 rounds of...(Lower body emphasis)
5 wall squats 
10 squats
20 lunges


5 minutes of dynamic stretching.


Work up to heavy back squat (1RM if possible) in 15 minutes…not a second longer.


With 85% of today’s heavy back squat…
5 sets of 3 reps (speed focus)
~REST 5-7 minutes~

5 x 10 heavy walking barbell lunges 

Tuesday 05202014

DAY 7 


But why?? 

I have gotten a few questions about why Eo3 Foundations does work and rest every other day AND what should be done on REST/RECOVERY days. 

To answer A.) The Foundations has a lot of 100% Max Effort attempts, so you need to be well-rested and ready to tackle each workout. 

To answer B.) You can do active rest like jog, row or jump rope at a low intensity for longer duration AND/OR you can being doing mobility workouts. Check out one in the video below. 

Other than that...If you are doing Project Barbell (read details here), all the lifting we do in foundations is a great way to be a part of that project! 

Monday 20140519

DAY 6 


3-5 minutes jog, row or aidryne


3 rounds of...(Lower body emphasis)
5 wall squats
10 squats
20 lunges

3 rounds of...(Upper body emphasis)
10 PVC pass throughs
5 pull-ups
10 push-ups
15 kettlebell swings (very light)


5 minutes of dynamic stretching.

EO3 “5K"

800m Run
3 Rounds: 5 Push-ups, 10 Sit-ups & 15 Squats
800m Run
3 Rounds: 5 Push-ups, 10 Sit-ups & 15 Squats
800m Run
3 Rounds: 5 Push-ups, 10 Sit-ups & 15 Squats
800m Run
3 Rounds: 5 Push-ups, 10 Sit-ups & 15 Squats
800m Run
3 Rounds: 5 Push-ups, 10 Sit-ups & 15 Squats
800m Run

3 Rounds: 5 Push-ups, 10 Sit-ups & 15 Squats

~Rest 3 minutes~

100m sprint

~Rest 60 seconds~

100m sprint