Jog 5K
Take the Plunge
Jog 5K
Just a heads up, be sure to check out End of Three Fitness HQ next week! There will be a Rogue Fitness Barbell giveaway!
3-5 minutes jog, row or airdyne
3 rounds of...(Lower body emphasis)
3 rounds of...(Upper body emphasis)
5 minutes of dynamic stretching.
Work up to heavy full squat clean (1RM if possible) in 15 minutes…not a second longer.
With 80% of today’s heavy clean…
6 sets of 2 reps (speed focus)
~REST 5-7 minutes~
For 7 minutes…
Every 30 seconds 1 power clean + 1 front squat @40-60% of clean
3-5 minutes jog, row or airdyne
3 rounds of...(Lower body emphasis)
5 wall squats
10 squats
20 lunges
3 rounds of...(Upper body emphasis)
10 PVC pass throughs
5 pull-ups
10 push-ups
15 kettlebell swings (very light)
5 minutes of dynamic stretching.
4 rounds of…
5X Hang Power Cleans @ 60% 1RM
1:30 minute Row/Run (max distance)
Rest 2 minutes
~Rest 7 minutes~
4 rounds of…
5X Hang Snatches @ 60% 1RM
1:30 minute Row/Run (max distance)
Rest 2 minutes
~Rest 7 minutes~
4 rounds of…
5X Front Squats @ 60% 1RM
1:30 minute Row/Run (max distance)
Rest 2 minutes
We are switching up from the normal Thursday and Sunday rest days here at End of Three Fit to accommodate the needed rest in the foundations program. Don't worry things will get back to normal.
So, today...
Need something to do...? Check out an oldie but a goodie at End of Three Fitness where I speculate as to who would have one in a CrossFit match up...George Washington or Abraham Lincoln.
Thanks for being a part of Eo3!
That was fast! And don't worry that is not the only time we will do a Harder to Kill challenge. Now, we are going to go through the Eo3 Foundations program to FULLY test your fitness before we jump into the next challenge.
Would love to hear what you thought in the comments, or if you are an email subscriber just reply to this email. And speaking of comments, we have switched to Disqus for comments here at End of Three Fit. We were just getting to many issues with the other system.
If you are feeling pretty fatigued, now would be a good time for a deload week, or week off. Also, the foundations program goes one day on and one day off, so there is plenty of rest built in, but it is really challenging!
3-5 minutes jog, row or aidryne
3 rounds of...(Lower body emphasis)
5 minutes of dynamic stretching.
Work up to heavy deadlift (1RM if possible) in 15 minutes…not a second longer.
With 85% of today’s heavy deadlift…
~REST 5-7 minutes~
[Max effort] 500m row
3 rounds