This workout is only for those who achieved the Eo3 "Competitor" level of fitness. The amount of work output accomplished in this workout is insane, and when done as fast as possible, you're body will let you know just how much work you are doing.
For time:
15 reps, Snatch @ 135 lb
15 reps, Burpee
15 reps, Clean and Jerk @ 135 lb
15 reps, Box Jump @ 24" Box
Then immediately complete to following complex:
1 rep, Clean and Jerk + 7 reps, Deadlift + 6 reps, Bent Row + 5 rep, Hang Clean + 4 reps, Front Squat + 3 reps, Push Press + 2 reps, Back Squat + 1 rep, Push Press + 1 rep, Snatch
Do not set the bar down or release your grip. All reps done @ 135 lb.
*Scale as needed