Foundations is over! Back to standard Eo3Fit programming!
Work capacity day! These are not max effort WODs, the purpose is to keep moving around 85-90% effort. Just keep moving.
5 minutes as many rounds as possible:
- 10 Thrusters @ 95lb/65/45
- 5 Burpees
~5 min rest~
5 minutes as many rounds as possible:
- 10 chest to bar pull-up/pull-up/pull-up band progression
- 10 double-unders/3x single unders/2x single unders
~5 min rest~
5 minutes as many rounds as possible:
- 15 kettlebell swings @ 2 pood/1.5 pood/1 pood
- 15 mountain climbers
~5 min rest~
5 minutes as many rounds as possible:
- 10 Power Clean @ 95 lb/65/45
- 10 hand release push-ups
~3 min rest~
5 minutes as many rounds as possible:
- 10 burpees
- 10 squats
~3 min rest~
5 minutes as many rounds as possible:
- 10 sit-ups
- 5 toes to bar/knees to elbow/knees to chest
*Competitor: As prescribed
*Established: Scaling written in WOD
*Recruit: Scaling written in WOD
Post total rounds to comments.