Friday 20141024


6 x 2 reps Overhead Squat. Work on form, but go heavy, if the form is there. 
6 x 3 reps Strict Press. 


3 x 10 side lunges w/ 1.5 pood, or comfortable weight
5 x 3 max distance broad jumps 
12 x 3 handstand push-ups with as little rest as possible between sets


Just like it sounds...mile repeats! 

As fast as able, run 1 mile 

Rest the time it took you to run 1 mile, then...

As fast as able, run 1 mile 

*Competitor: As Prescribed.  
*Established: As Prescribed.   
*Recruit: Work on OHS mechanics then go up to comfortable weight. 1 pood on lunges, or no weight. Push-ups.