Saturday 20140201

The Next Challenge

The next challenge is a simple one, and mainly because I get A LOT of questions about it. We will be following Wendler 5/3/1 with perfectly programmed accessory lifting and conditioning. I honestly believe One Man One Barbell is a better program when we are talking about strength  + conditioning, but I will show others how Wendler is done, once and for all. For all you OMOB users out there, keep at it and DO NOT abandon a cycle for this program, however the conditioning workouts will go nicely in your OMOB template, so feel free to add them.

The challenge: How much strength can you gain in a Wendler 5/3/1 + Eo3 Cycle  and how much more conditioned can you become?

Your weekend mission/workouts

This all can be done in a single day. For the max lifts set a 15 minute time cap for each lift, find your max in that time frame then move on. That will take 1 hour. Rest until you feel ready for the conditioning workout and knock it out. However, you can break this up into two days if you would like.

This weekend you need to find out your maxes in the following:


You also need to accomplish the following workout:

Three rounds for time:

10 deadlifts @ 115% bodyweight
25 box jumps/step-ups @ 24″ box

Good luck and let me know if you have ANY questions!

Post your weight to the comments!!!