Monday 20150427


Squat, 2 reps every minute on the minute for 7 minutes @ 75% of 1RM

Power Snatch + Hang Snatch, every minute on the minute for 7 minutes @ 50-60% of 1RM


3 rounds for time of... 

20 jumping lunges 
30 toes to bar
400m run   

*Competitor: As prescribed 
*Established: Knees to elbow.
*Recruit: Snatch practice with PVC. Leg raises.  

Post weights to comments. Post time to comments. 

Friday 20150424


[Dynamic Efforts]

Box Squat 8 x 2 @ 70%
Deadlift 8 x 1 @ 70%

3 x 10 snatch-grip deadlift
3 x max reps pull ups

3 x max plank hold followed by 50 sit-ups after plank failure.


10 x 100m sprint work to rest = 1:3

*Competitor: As prescribed 
*Established: As prescribed 
*Recruit: As prescribed  

Post results to comments.

Wednesday 20150422

It looks so simple... 

For time, with 30-minute time cap:

20-1 bench press
1-20 burpees

So, 20 bench press then 1 burpee, 19 bench press then 2 burpees, etc.

Bench press weight should be something you can handle for 20 unbroken reps. 

Post time to comments.