
This workout is only for those who achieved the Eo3 "Competitor" level of fitness. The amount of work output accomplished in this workout is insane, and when done as fast as possible, you're body will let you know just how much work you are doing.

For time:  

15 reps, Snatch @ 135 lb 
15 reps, Burpee
15 reps, Clean and Jerk @ 135 lb 
15 reps, Box Jump @ 24" Box 

Then immediately complete to following complex: 

1 rep, Clean and Jerk + 7 reps, Deadlift +  6 reps, Bent Row + 5 rep, Hang Clean + 4 reps, Front Squat + 3 reps, Push Press + 2 reps, Back Squat + 1 rep, Push Press + 1 rep, Snatch 

Do not set the bar down or release your grip. All reps done @ 135 lb. 

Eo3 5K 

800m Run
3 Rounds: 5 Push-ups, 10 Sit-ups & 15 Squats
800m Run
3 Rounds: 5 Push-ups, 10 Sit-ups & 15 Squats
800m Run
3 Rounds: 5 Push-ups, 10 Sit-ups & 15 Squats
800m Run
3 Rounds: 5 Push-ups, 10 Sit-ups & 15 Squats
800m Run
3 Rounds: 5 Push-ups, 10 Sit-ups & 15 Squats
800m Run
3 Rounds: 5 Push-ups, 10 Sit-ups & 15 Squats

~Rest 3 minutes~

100m sprint

~Rest 60 seconds~

100m sprint

Geo Metro Throwdown

This workout was created to see if you can generate more power than the almighty three cylinder Geo Metro! 

For time:

15 Handstand Push-ups
10 Cleans 135/95
10 Pull-ups
20 Deadlifts 135/95
25 Push-ups
15 Back Squats 135/95

*3:36 or less = More powerful than a Geo Metro 
*3:37-4:00 = Just as powerful as a Geo Metro 
*4:01 or greater = Less powerful than a Geo Metro 

The South Wrestler

This workout is dedicated to one extremely dedicated coach and his wrestling team!

10 rounds for time, or 30 minutes, which ever comes first:

3 Cleans @ 135
6 Hand-Release Push-ups
9 Burpees
12 Pull-ups
24′ Bear Crawl